The Digital Theological Library (DTL) is available to all students at United.
To access the DTL
- Navigate in any browser to
- To access content, when arriving at the ebook authentication screen through the DTL online catalog, you will select United Theological Seminary from the dropbox menu list of available institutions. Then enter your United student ID.
- Your student ID can be found on your United ID badge. If you don't know your United student ID, contact onlinehelp@united.eduor the registrar.
- If you are unable to access resources in DTL following the process outlined above, it is possible your United student ID code still needs to be activated in DTL. Please contact the library staff at to receive a temporary user code and you will be informed by email notification once your student ID has been activated in DTL.
How to use the DTL
- How to use basic search
- Advanced search with DTL
- View this video for information on how to use the DLT for research: The Digital Theological Library at United
Visit O'Brien Library on the Hub for more information.
For more videos, see the DTL YouTube channel.