Webex Meetings Classroom guides and troubleshooting

Cisco Webex MeetingsAt United it is our desire to provide every student with a great learning environment. The following guidelines will make the online meetings an enjoyable and productive.

Please review all of the information.  If you have any questions, contact the Help Desk at onlinehelp@united.edu.

  • Have a dedicated area set aside to participate in the classroom free of distractions, pets, family members or any non-emergency interruptions.
  • Do not use public areas to access or participate in the class.
  • Close out all other apps and programs on your computer while connected to the meeting.
  • Use a wired internet connection to assure quality video to be seen and heard. A Wi-Fi connection can be problematic. You need to be able to keep audio and video throughout.
    NOTE: Broadband is defined as: Upload transfer rate of at least 1.0 megabits/second (or higher), and Download rate of 2.0 – 4.0 megabits/second (or higher). Typical DLS, ADSL, and Cable TV Internet connection easily meet these requirements
  • Use a built in or USB camera. Test your camera prior to the course to make sure it is working properly.
  • Use a USB headset with built-in microphone. Test your headset prior to the course to make sure it is working properly.
  • Leave your video on so class mates can see you. Unless the video connection is bad (we expect only on occasions this might occur). As much as possible, we want to see everyone.
  • If you need to leave for a few minutes, don’t interrupt the class, just leave the chair turn your video off and return as quick as possible.  Turn your video back on when you return.
  • Mute your mic when you are not talking – This will help reduce feedback and background noise.  Most classes will have you muted when you join.  Unmute your self when speaking.
  • Remember your classmates can see you – Refrain from distracting behavior such as eating or being on your phone.



  • Contact the Help Desk onlinehelp@united.edu if you need assistance.
  • You can sometimes find the solution on the United Help Desk (https://unitedtheologicalseminary.zendesk.com/hc/en-us). Search our articles for the solution.
  • Connection issues can normally be resolved by taking the following steps:
    • Disconnect then reconnect to the meeting.
    • Make sure all other programs and apps running on your device are closed.
    • Close all window and tabs you are not using.
    • Clear your cache.
    • Restart your computer rejoin the meeting.
    • Verify you have the correct meeting number and password (if required).
    • Try turning off your video until your connection quality improves.
  • Audio and video issues:
    • Check your audio and video settings on your computer.
    • Make sure all connections and cables are plugged in properly and turned on.
    • Make sure your audio and video settings within the Webex app are correct.
    • If using a USB headset or camera, check the cable connections.
    • Close the meeting then reconnect.
  • If you have been dropped from the call, try to reconnect. The system will resume as quickly as possible. Most sessions are recorded so you shouldn’t miss any of the content.


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